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Fair Trade


An institution for female children and adolescents, aged 0 to 18 years old, victims of physical, sexual or psychological violence or abuse, and other negligent conditions. The internal regiment encompasses care for children from 11 month-old to 11 year-old children. Currently, 23 children are being cared for.

Project description

  • To build a living area to receive the families of children and adolescents in order to actually carry out the work of strengthening affective bonds, aiming at the return of children to live with their families. However, in order to do so, it is necessary a space for the construction of a kiosk and to acquire toys to install in it, in order to provide a pleasant environment and genuinely enable family reintegration.

  • To prevent relatives of other families to connect with children who are not of their relations during visits. To ensure the contact of children and adolescents only with their immediate or extended family;

  • To create an environment of peace, tranquility and conducive for technical staff so they can assess the affective conditions of families and provide guidance for children´s return to their families.