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Sllep Snake
Sllep Snake
Sibynomorphus mikanii | Schlegel, 1837
Characteristics: Small serpent measuring 15cm to 40cm in length. It has vertical pupils, a head detached from its body, and aglyphous teeth (no venom-inoculating fangs). Its background color is dark gray or black, with light spots or stripes along the body (back) and a clear belly. The species is characterized as harmless and calm.
Distribution: Paraguay and Misiones, in Argentina. In Brazil, they occur in the
Northeastern, Central, Southeastern, and Southern regions.
Habitat: Forest to open formations, forest edges, and riparian and gallery forests.
Habits: Crepuscular, nocturnal, and terrestrial. Usually associated with floodplains,
swamps and wetlands, including vegetable and flower gardens.
Diet: Slugs.
Breeding: Oviparous, laying 5 to 10 eggs per breeding cycle.
UFRA: Species seen only once between Native Forests and Organic Sugarcane Fields.