False Coral Snake
Oxyrhopus guibei | Hoge & Romano, 1977
Characteristics: Medium-size serpent measuring about 1.20m in length. This snake mimics real corals (mimicry) to scare off potential predators. It has opisthoglyphous dentition (the poison-inoculation tooth is there; however, it is located deep in the back of the mouth).
Distribution: It is widely distributed throughout Brazil, in the states of São Paulo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Mato Grosso, and Alagoas.
Habitat: Open to forest formations, especially in riparian and gallery forest edges, but can also be found in forests and urban areas.
Habits: Terrestrial, with mainly crepuscular and nocturnal activity.
Diet: Small rodents and lizards overcome by constriction.
Breeding: Oviparous, capable of storing sperm, being able to spawn throughout the year.
UFRA: Species spotted in Wetlands with Herbaceous Plants, Drainage Ditches, Exotic Forests and Organic Sugarcane Fields.