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Boettger´s Sipo
Boettger´s Sipo
Chironius flavolineatus | Boettger, 1885
Characteristics: Medium-size serpent measuring about 1.20m in length. It has large eyes with rounded pupils, aglyphous teething (no fangs to inoculate venom). Its colorful background varies from light brown to dark gray, but what characterizes this species is a paravertebral yellow or cream-colored line covering the first 2/3 of the body.
Distribution: Bolivia, Paraguay, and Brazil, where it occurs in the Northeastern, Central, Southeastern, and Southern regions.
Habitat: Open formations in savannas, scrublands, and fields to forest, at the edges of riparian and gallery forests.
Habits: Diurnal, terrestrial, and arboreal. Very fast when fleeing and taking refuge in trees, shrubs, in swift rivers and under submerged rocks.
Diet: Frogs and small lizards.
Breeding: Oviparous, laying up to 3 eggs.
UFRA: Species spotted in Wetlands with Herbaceous Plants and Wetlands with Riparian Forests.