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Agile Gracile Opossum
Gracilinanus agilis | Burmeister, 1854

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa
Characteristics: Species measuring about 10cm in length and with a tail measuring 11 to 15cm. Its uppermost part varies from ¬brown to reddish-brown, with black circle around its eyes. Its gripping tail is covered with short fur, almost invisible to the naked eye. It does not have a marsupial pouch.
Distribution: East of the Peruvian Andes, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and Argentina.
Habitat: Valley, gallery, and riparian forests.
Habits: Nocturnal and arboreal species.
Diet: Omnivorous, but feeds preferentially on insects.
In the UFRA area: This mammal had a spatial distribution restricted to native woods. It is considered rare, and was sighted only once.