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Burmeister´s Treefrog
Hypsiboas prasinus | Burmeister, 1856

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa


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Characteristics: Medium-size species measuring 4.0cm to 5.0cm in length. Its dorsal coloration is light brown with scattered dark spots, but it may vary between brown, yellow, and green.

Distribution: It is found in elevated regions of southeastern Brazil, in the States of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul.

Habitat: Open areas in forests, edges of riparian and gallery forests, lakes and ponds, fields, pastures, and muddy soils.

Habits: Crepuscular, nocturnal, terrestrial, and arboreal. Found on the ground, low vegetation, and in open terrain. During the evening it croaks in the low vegetation surrounding the edge of the water, artificial garden lakes or lawns. 

Diet: Small insects and arthropods.

Breeding: Oviparous, and can reproduce year-round in permanent ponds and flooded fields. It lays its eggs on submerged vegetation. It vocalizes on a variety of substrates, holding on to vegetation, on the ground or floating on the surface of the water in still or running water environments.

UFRA: Species seen in Wetlands with Herbaceous Plants and Restored Native Forests.