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Amazonian White-Lipped Frog
Leptodactylus mystaceus | Spix, 1824

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa


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Characteristics: Small to medium-size species measuring about 4.0cm in length. Its color varies from light brown, copper to shades of beige. Its back and paws display greenish spots. Parallel, light-colored stripes are also visible on their backs. This species has a black stripe from the tip of the snout, going through the eye to the upper part of the front paws.

Distribution: Widely distributed throughout South America. In southern and southeastern limits of the Amazon Basin (Brazil) to Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, and the Guianas. In Brazil, their southern limit of distribution is in the Southeast, and the State of São Paulo, within the limits of the Lower Tietê, Piracicaba, Capivari Jundiaí, Sorocaba and Mid Tietê basins.

Habitat: Open formations to the edges of riparian and gallery forests, near lakes, ponds, meadows, and swamps.

Habits: Crepuscular, nocturnal, terrestrial, and aquatic. Found, preferably, in grasses and herbaceous plants on the shores of shaded lakes, ponds, riverbanks, and streams.

Diet: Insects and small arthropods.

Breeding: Oviparous, males are found vocalizing between the leaf litter in forest areas near temporary outlet canals.

UFRA: Species seen only twice in Wetlands with riparian forests and Restored Native Forests.