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Yellow-rumped Marshbird
Pseudoleistes guirahuro | Vieillot, 1819

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa

Characterization: Small to medium-size species measuring about 24cm in length. It is darkish-brown with an olive back, yellow flanks, and a black, pointed beak.

Distribution: Brazil, to the south of Mato Grosso and Goiás and also in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Habitat: Bogs, in floodplains with tall grass.

Habits: Diurnal species, usually found in flocks.

Diet: Herbivorous, feeding on grains and seeds found in swamps.

Breeding: It lays 2 to 3 eggs in cup-shaped nests weaved to perfection.

In the UFRA area: In the studies carried out at the São Francisco Sugarmill areas, this bird species had a great spatial distribution in the studied areas. It has been spotted in exotic woods, meadows with grasses, meadows with riparian forests, in restored native forests, in mixed forests in regeneration, in drainage ditches, and in fields in spontaneous regeneration. It is considered frequent, as it was spotted 45 times.