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Tawny Crowned Pygmy Tyrant
Euscarthmus meloryphus | Wied, 1831

Characterization: Small species measuring about 11 cm in length. It has a brownish color, with clear stripes on its small, protruding wings.

Distribution: From Venezuela to Bolivia and Uruguay, central and eastern Brazil, Maranhão to Rio Grande do Sul.

Habitat: Fields, pastures, new sparse vegetation, and scrublands

Habits: Diurnal, monogamous and aggressive species shows nervousness through sudden movements of the wings. Although it moves around a lot, it is hard to see because it remains hidden amidst the vegetation; it usually draws attention, however, because of the song it repeats frequently.

Diet: Carnivorous, mainly insectivorous.

Breeding: This bird lays 2 eggs in a nest built jointly by the couple; only the female hatches the eggs. 

In the UFRA area: This species is considered rare at the studied farms, as it was reported only twice. Its spatial distribution was restricted to mixed forests in spontaneous regeneration, native forests, and fields in spontaneous regeneration.