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Spotted Nothura
Nothura maculosa | Temminck, 1815

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa

Characterization: Small to medium-size species measuring about 23 cm in length. Its plumage provides excellent colors to blend in with the vegetation in its habitat. All of its primary parts are brown barred in yellow. 

Distribution: Various regions of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

Habitat: Rocky fields located at high altitudes, drainage and low fields, and corn, rice, and soybean plantations.

Habits: Diurnal and terrestrial species. It sometimes hides in holes and plays dead when frightened.

Diet: Omnivorous. This bird feeds on grains, arthropods, mollusks, and heart of palm berries.

Breeding: It lays 7 to 8 eggs on the ground of fields or pastures.

In the UFRA area: In the surveys conducted in the São Francisco Sugarmill areas, this species is considered rare because it was only seen only 2 times. Its spatial distribution was restricted to restored native forests and to forests in spontaneous regeneration.