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Sayaca Tanager
Tangara sayaca | GLinnaeus,1766


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Characterization: Species measuring about 18 cm. It has a gray, slightly bluish body, with slightly clearer lower parts. Its tail and the tips of its wings are greenish blue, but little contrasting. 

Distribution: It occurs in eastern and central Brazil, from Maranhão to Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás and Mato Grosso, Bolivia and Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay, Venezuela and Colombia.

Habitat: Forest edge, open areas with new vegetation, fields with isolated trees, savannas, forest patches, and it can be found in secondary forests and in the reforestation process.

Habits: A diurnal species, this bird usually cleans its beak rubbing it on a branch.

Diet: Herbivorous, feeding on fruits, leaves, flower buds, and nectar.

Breeding: It lays 1-2 eggs in a nest made low on the grass or on the ground.

In the UFRA area: The Sayaca Tanager was seen only twice in all surveys conducted. This bird is considered rare within the studied farms. Its distribution was restricted to wetlands with riparian forests and restored native forests. It is an endangered species, listed in the critically endangered category.