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Purple-throated Euphonia
Euphonia chlorotica | Linnaeus, 1766

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa

Characterization: Small species measuring about 9.5 cm in length. It has a black neck, a thin beak, a yellow belly, and the rest of its body is turquoise. The female is an olive-green, with a yellowish front and whitish belly.

Distribution: Throughout Brazil, and also in the Guianas, east of Bolivia, Paraguay, and north of Argentina.

Habitat: Low and sparse forest, savanna, scrublands, and mountainous forests of Southeastern Brazil.

Habits: A diurnal species, this bird usually cleans its beak rubbing it on a branch.

Diet: Herbivorous, feeding on fruits, leaves, flower buds, and nectar.

Breeding: It lays 2-3 eggs in nests built jointly by the couple.

In the UFRA area: This species has been spotted in the exotic woods, wetlands with herbaceous plants, wetlands with riparian forests, in the restored native forests, in mixed forests in regeneration, in native forests, and in the forests in spontaneous regeneration. It is considered frequent, as it was spotted 45 times.