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Pale-breasted Thrush
Turdus leucomelas | Vieillot, 1818


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Characterization: Small to medium-sized species measuring about 22cm in length. Their wings are rust color, as are their flanks, contrasting with their olive color head; the throat is whitish with brownish streaks, and its beak is dark.

Distribution: From Guyana and Venezuela to Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay. In Brazil, it occurs in the central and southern regions.

Habitat: Edge of the forest, savanna, gallery forests, orchards, parks and other forested areas.

Habits: A diurnal species, this bird suspicious and aggressive, becoming somewhat restless in the evening, flying around the area where it intends to sleep, making calling and warning noises.

Diet: Omnivorous, feeding on small arthropods, fruits, and seeds it picks up on the ground or in trees.

Breeding: It lays 2-3 eggs in a nest built firmly on ravines, at medium heights, shaped like a small bowl and made with twigs and branches.

In the UFRA area: The Pale-breasted Thrush had a restricted spatial distribution in the São Francisco Sugarmill areas, being found only in the native forests. It is a rare species in these areas, as it was seen only 2 times.