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Lined Seedeater
Sporophila lineola | Linnaeus, 1758

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa


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Characterization: Small species measuring about 11cm in length. The male is black on its upper parts and white on the lower ones, with a white stripe on the top and another one on each side of its head, near the tip (resembling a mustache, earning it its popular name); the female is brownish, lighter in its lower body. 

Distribution: Throughout Brazil and also in Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia, as a resident, and in the other Amazon countries (Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia).

Habitat: Bushes, crops, edges of areas with secondary forests, and areas with tall grasses, mainly near water.

Habits: A diurnal species living in pairs that are scattered during the breeding season, gathering in small or large groups in other periods of the year.

Diet: Herbivorous, feeding on seeds.

Breeding: This bird usually nests in December in the States of Espírito Santo and Paraná, while in Piauí it was seen nesting in May.

In the UFRA area: This species of bird had a medium spatial distribution. It was seen in drainage ditches, in forests in spontaneous regeneration and in fields in spontaneous regeneration. It is an infrequent species, as it was spotted only five times.