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Jabiru mycteria | Lichtenstein, 1819

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa


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Characterization: A large species measuring about 115 cm in length and 260 cm in wingspan. This bird has a robust body, a thick beak that is sharp on its tip, a black neck and a part of its pouch is red, and it has incredible elasticity. The predominant color of the adult's feathers is white.

Distribution: Mexico to northern Argentina.

Habitat: Edges of rivers, lakes and puddles in the dry season.

Habits: A diurnal and aquatic species, this bird is found in pairs or flocks.

Diet: Carnivorous, feeding on fish, mollusks, and amphibians.

Breeding: It lays 2-5 eggs in large nests built in tall trees or on dead tree trunks.

In the UFRA area: In the studies done at the São Francisco Sugarmill areas, this bird's distribution was limited to wetlands with fields in spontaneous regeneration. It is considered rare because it was only seen twice.