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Green-winged Saltator
Saltator similis | d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837


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CCharacterization: Small species measuring about 20 cm in length. This bird has a strong beak, a large tail, white neck (sometimes yellow in the center) and a malar streak highlighted white.

Distribution: East-south and central Brazil (from Bahia to Rio Grande do Sul), Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay.

Habitat: Secondary forests, forest edges (including gallery) and glades, both in the lowlands regions and in the mountains.

Habits: A diurnal species, this bird lives in pairs and sings often, being easy to observe, especially in fruit trees.

Diet: Herbivorous, predominantly granivore.

Breeding: It lays 2 eggs in a bowl-shaped nest made of dry grass.

In the UFRA area: In the studies done at the São Francisco Sugarmill areas, this bird's distribution was limited to wetlands and with forests in regeneration. It is considered rare because it was only spotted seven times.