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Cattle Egret
Bubulcus ibis | Linnaeus, 1758

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa

Characterization: This bird measures 49 cm. Recorded a few years ago, they have a thicker neck seeming to have a pouch. Entirely white with a yellow beak, iris and tarsus and brownish fingers. 

Distribution: It occurs in most Brazilian regions.

Habitat: Dry and low fields with grasses, especially in pastures with cattle.

Habits: This species likes to land in pastures next to cattle and can be found on the banks of lakes and marshes.

Diet: Essentially insectivorous, preying mainly on flies on the back of the animals.

Breeding: It nests in large colonies and bushes and trees on river banks. It lays 4-5 eggs, which it hatches for 22-26 days.

In the UFRA area: This bird is considered infrequent, having been found on the San Francisco Sugarmill farms in wetlands and fields in spontaneous regeneration.