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Blackish Rail
Pardillarus nigricans | Vieillot, 1819


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Characterization: Species measuring about 30 cm. This bird has an olive-brown back, a white neck, gray lower parts and a green beak.

Distribution: It occurs from Colombia to Brazil (Paraíba to Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso, and the Federal District), Paraguay and Argentina.

Habitat: Live in any bog, wetland, marsh, lake with grasses, and rice field.

Habits: This is a nocturnal species and is almost always perched in trees. One of the most common owls in cities, urban parks, and farms.

Diet: They are omnivorous, feeding on grass, seeds, insect larvae, and small water snakes.

Breeding: Is builds its nest with grasses woven on the ground. It lays 2 or 3 eggs, the color of which ranges from pinkish cream and white, delicately dotted in shades of brown and lilac at their widest tips.

In the UFRA area: This bird species was infrequent and is considered rare, as it was only seen 3 times. The habitat this bird occurred in most often was that of wetlands with herbaceous plants.