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Black-throated Saltator
Saltatricula atricollis | Vieillot, 1817

Characterization: Small species measuring about 20cm in length. It has a black and orangish/reddish mask and neck, with upper brownish-gray lower light yellowish-gray shades. When young, this bird has a brown head and neck, a dark beak, and striated lower parts.

Distribution: Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil.

Habitat: Savanna and open landscapes.

Habits: A diurnal species, this bird associates with mixed flocks of birds. During the breeding season they live as a couple and are extremely loyal to a territory, which is vigorously defended.

Diet: Herbivorous, predominantly a granivore.

Breeding: This bird lays two eggs into a bowl-shaped nest built close to the ground using dry grass and chamomile branches.

In the UFRA area: This species was seen only once in all surveys done. Its spatial distribution was limited to restored native forests. It is an endangered species, ranked in the vulnerable category.