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Ash-throated Crake
Porzana albicollis | Vieillot, 1819


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Characterization: Small to medium-sized species measuring about 27cm in length. This bird's upper parts are spotted black, it has brown or greenish legs, and its beak has no red at all.

Distribution: From the Guianas and Venezuela to Bolivia, Paraguay, and Argentina. From northern to southern and central Brazil.

Habitat: Wetlands, reeds or open bogs.

Habits: This is a restless twilight bird.

Diet: Omnivorous, feeding both on grass and corn sprouts and on small water snakes, insects, and larvae.

Breeding: It lays 2 to 3 eggs in nests made out of grasses woven on the ground.

In the UFRA area: This bird species had a restricted distribution among the studied farms, being found only in fields in spontaneous regeneration. It is considered rare because it was only spotted once.